Library Support

Video Game Design


Reference works typically consist of brief selections of facts, pictures, data, or definitions, such as dictionaries and encyclopaedias. However, in today’s networked society, there are many other types of reference works online that can link you to key information. We have provided here links to key online reference works that specifically support video game design.


Databases, Catalogues & Collections

  • Game FAQS: GameFAQs is a comprehensive collection of computer and video game cheat codes, walkthrough guides, reviews…
  • Gaming database with news, reviews, forum.
  • MobyGames: MobyGames is an unofficial but highly comprehensive database of computer, console, and arcade games…
  • RF Generation: Games and hardware databases, forum, blog, and submissions system.


Directories & Web Portals

  • Gamedevmap: A type of visual directory, this web site presents an interactive map showing where game developers, publishers, and organizations.


Game Reviews

  • Fandom: the fan’s voice in entertainment.
  • Game People: Video game reviews with a difference. People are more interesting than video games, so we tell weird, wonderful and everyday stories about what happens when different people sit down to spend time with a game.
  • Metacritic: A review site that compiles reviews from other sources.



  • HTML Center: HTMLCenter was started good few years ago by group of folks passionate about all things web. It was that fascinating time then many techies were just learning how to build web sites and how to do it properly. This site provided technical and creative help to web novices as well as to experienced web builders.

Open Access Journals & eBooks

The following resources are open access free resources. The Open Access movement champions free, authoritative resources for academic achievement. Even though there are now high-quality resources available in Open-Access, you must always be critical in the assessment of any resource. Our goal is to post resources here that are primarily scholarly in nature as opposed to non-peer reviewed magazine articles and news.


Associations, Agents, Boards, Councils

A major part of your professional career will include keeping updated on and participating in professional associations. Professional associations set benchmarks, link you to career resources, provide information on the latest developments. Other types of organizations may publish reports, newsletters, blogs, etc. that will assist you in career development and learning new skills.



  • Interactive Ontario: Interactive Ontario (IO) is a not-for-profit industry trade organization committed to the growth of the Ontario interactive digital content industry. To this end IO is an industry advocate within Ontario and nationally as a founding member of the Canadian Interactive Alliance /Alliance interactive canadienne (CIAIC).




United States & International

  • Games for Change: Facilitates the creation and distribution of social impact games that serve as critical tools in humanitarian and educational efforts.

Online & Print Magazines

Magazines (or online websites with specific Film Studies themes) are provided here for review. Online resources may not be peer-reviewed, but are an excellent source of news in your field of study.

  • Flipster: The Library is now offering access to Flipster. Flipster is an EBSCO product that provides access to magazine content as it appears in the print version. You’ll be able to access magazines with all of the content, such as pictures, included in the online version. We currently subscribe to the following on Flipster: American Cinematographer, Architectural Digest, Cinema Scope, Discover, Dwell, Interior, Newsweek Global, Popular Science, Robot, Wallpaper, The Walrus, and Writers Digest.


Online Magazines, Groups, etc.

offers news.

  • The Escapist: The Escapist is an online magazine that articles, columns, and features pertaining to video games.
  • Gamasutra: Gamasutra provides news articles, features, blogs, and press releases related to the art and business
  • is a game development site that presents articles about the industry, review of development…
  • A scholarly community that is devoted to the study of video games.
  • Science Daily: This site contains press releases and news articles pertaining to academic research with computer.
  • Playback: Canada’s production, broadcasting and interactive media business news source, offering an intimate view of Gaming, TV, film and interactive industry events, trends, and resources. May be accessed using a school computer only – No login necessary.
  • Retro Collect: News, guides, articles, reviews, podcasts, forum and database for game collectors.

Social Media & Web 2.0 Tools

In addition to journals and magazines on the web, there many Web 2.0 tools and applications that will help you become a more efficient researcher. From Facebook to, there are many social media tools online to help connect you to information you need.

  • Joystiq: Joystiq is a blog dedicated to providing coverage of video game news and commentary on games, game culture…
  • Kotaku: Kotaku is an international blog primarily reporting on video game news from Japan, Oceania, and North America…
Productivity Software Online
  • Trello: Trello is a free project management software tool. It allows you to create ‘To Do’ lists, collaborate with groups, set deadlines, and attach documents…and many more functions. It is an excellent way to organize your term of study.
Social Media
  • This site not only allows you to create a Facebook-like profile, but the focus is on academics and sharing knowledge. You will be able to connect with other professionals in your area, review their posted research…and it is a completely FREE resource.
  • Pinterest: Pinterest contains a wealth of images to follow on a variety of fashion design themes. Sign up and start following different boards today!
  • Flickr: Online photo management system that allows you to search millions of photos. You can search by creative commons license in order to find images that you can use for assignments.


Links to relevant Video Game conferences.

United States & other International
  • Global Game Jam (GGJ): The world’s largest game jam event occurring annually in late January. GGJ brings together thousands of game enthusiasts participating through many local jams around the world.
  • CGAMES: International Conference on Computer Games: AI, Animation, Mobile, Interactive Multimedia, Educational & Serious Games organized by The University of Wolverhampton, England, is one of the leading research conferences devoted to the advancement of the theory and practice of games development.
  • East Coast Game Conference: Began in 2008 and is now expanding to engage and connect game professionals along the entire east coast.
  • Games for Change: Held in New York City, this annual festival brings together leaders from government, philanthropy, civil society, media, academia and the gaming industry to explore the increasing real-world impact of digital games as an agent for social change.

Gaming Research

Links to video game research and statistics.

  Data & Statistics
  • Entertainment Software Association (ESA): Industry Facts from the ESA, the U.S. association exclusively dedicated to serving the business and public affairs needs of companies that publish computer and video games for video game consoles, personal computers, and the Internet.
  • Essential Facts: ESAC’s (Entertainment Software Association of Canada) annual publication which provides important economic, demographic and public opinion data about the Canadian video game industry.
  • Quick statistics on games and the video game industry.
  • Pew Internet and American Life Project –: Reports exploring the impact of the internet on families, communities, work and home, daily life, education, health care, and civic and political life. They have a page dedicated to reports on Gaming.
  Gaming Labs

Career Information

Video gaming career links.

  • Breaking In: Valuable information for those interested in a career in Video Games. Includes career paths, profiles of people in the industry, and lots of relevant web links on starting a career in gaming.
  • The Creative Group 2016 Salary Guide: Salary data for more than 120 creative positions, an overview of the current hiring environment, skills that are in demand, and more. Toronto is included..
  • Game Career Guide: Looking to advance your career in the video game industry? The free annual Game Career Guide for 2014 is now available!