Purdue OWL provides a comprehensive list of easily access APA reference examples.
You can submit your APA reference questions to the official APA Blog experts. If they don’t respond quickly, you can also submit your question to the TFS Reference Librarian, Kathy Coorsh [email protected]
If you use content from someone else's work, you must cite it. You need to cite the sources where you find the ideas and arguments you are using in an assignment.
APA provides sample papers pre-formatted to APA 7th edition standards. You can open a sample paper and replace the content with your own writing.
Your research and APA citation can be managed using free software called Zotero. Click the link to download your own copy. If you have any questions, please contact library services.
Here is a list of the most commonly used APA reference citations, such as how to cite a journal article or eBook.
APA requires you to use Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) for most citations. If you cannot find a DOI, you can use this search engine to find a DOI for your article.
APA provides further detailed tutorial information about the elements of APA style and writing.